Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Spreading the message

Since its inception in 1984, The Hunger Project in India has become active in eight states. Beginning this week, a ‘16 days of activism’ in support of the One Billion Rising campaign (OBR), which centers around Violence Against Women. In collaboration with 30 voluntary organisations and spread across seven States – Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Odisha, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand -- the programme aims at urging respective state governments to prevent and respond to violence against women at all levels.

With the 73rd Amendment Act mandating one-third of panchayat seats to women, more than one billion women occupy seats of power. This programme seeks to garner responses from empowered women representatives (EWRs) across the spectrum in the seven States along with multi-stakeholder groups like media, civil society and government to make the OBR campaign a success.

In Uttarakhand, padyatras, mobile van campaigns and street plays shall be undertaken in districts like Pithoragarh, Almora and Nainital. In Bihar, around 100 film screenings await districts like Nalanda, Rohtas and Madhubani. A candle light march on December 10 to celebrate the International Human Rights day in Patna, followed by a gathering on December 11 is also in the offing. In Madhya Pradesh, a series of meetings and discussions shall be undertaken. In Odisha, a radio jingle to end violence against women has been developed to be broadcasted during the campaign. In Tamil Nadu there are plans for forming a white ribbon cycle by EWRs in Erode and Tirupur. Karnataka and Rajasthan seek to address issues of child marriage and sex-selective abortion throughout the campaign days through street play theatres and mobile vans.

One Billion Rising campaign is a global strike to take place on February 14th 2013 that aims to sensitise men and women across the globe on violence against women across countries and cultures.

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